Training applications

Loyalty applications

Motivational applications


#event #event app #conference

Cena aplikacji

Aplikacja eventowa Grywit - 1 wydarzenie
od 7950
Cena jest zależna od: liczby dni obsługi konferencji,
liczby uczestników, ilości materiałów, dodatkowych funkcji i zakresu obsługi.
W ramach abonamentu aplikacji otrzymujesz:
  • dostęp do aplikacji eventowej dla organizatora i uczestników na czas trwania eventu
  • pakiet zadań do eventu dopasowanych do charakteru eventu
  • obsługa zadań (weryfikacja) i dodawanie zadań przez Grywit (istnieje możliwość wdrożenia dedykowanych zadań zleconych przez organizatora)
  • obsługa graficzna i stworzenie dedykowanego layoutu zgodnego z brandingiem wydarzenia
  • raport z wydarzenia (ankiety, zdjęcia, komenatrze)
  • help desk

Training application

The application is positively addictive for learning and development.

If you had to define the single most important learning goal, it would certainly be to instill new knowledge in trainees. The benefit of gamification is the effect on knowledge consolidation. When our brain wants to reward us, it releases dopamine into our bodies, so when we achieve something important to us, we feel good.

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Loyality applications

70% of people are willing to buy more with a well-chosen loyalty program. Therefore, if you want to increase sales among your customers and distributors by more than 30% and make them ambassadors of your brand who not only buy themselves but also recommend others, then contact us!

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Motivational applications

Many people have a greater or lesser level of laziness within them, which, when properly acted upon, increases habits of being more productive on a permanent basis.

Our brains are programmed to chase anything that releases dopamine – in life and at work. That’s why with our programs, supported by mobile apps, we are able to increase motivation in organizations by 48 percent, efficiency by 72 percent and sales by 32 percent and all this directly translates into increased profits in your organization.

Do you want to increase profits in your organization? Do you want more effective and motivated employees? Get in touch with us!

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HR Applications

If you are looking for a solution to increase the effectiveness of HR processes among your employees through the use of positive psychology and mechanisms of triggering dopamine that helps them persevere in achieving their goals, then ask us about applications in the area of recruitment, pre-onboarding, onboarding, development programs.

We will help you build your candidate experience and employee experience at a level that will allow you to stand out from the competition, win the best employees and keep their loyalty for a long time.

Write to us and let’s take care of the quality of your employees together, so you can achieve your HR goals with peace of mind!

Are you interested in our solution?


Monitoring engagement and progress

Gathering needs and conducting research

Increase commitment and efficiency

Promote the brand and increase sales

Changing habits and learning new content

Mutual communication and delegation of tasks


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